

Generous contributions through membership help to support the collection and preservation of Harford County historical records, artifacts, and textiles. In addition, your membership contributions support the development of content for the newsletter, bulletins, and multi-media productions for the website, YouTube channel, and other mediums.

As we enter the new year, it is time for our 2024 Membership Drive. Our membership levels are listed below. If you are not already a member, please consider becoming a member of The Historical Society of Harford County, Inc.

Membership Levels and Associated Benefits

  • STUDENT ($25/year): Benefits include free admission to both the Headquarters and Hays House Museums, use of the Society’s resources (records and reproduction fees apply), discounted admission to all educational events including the Speaker Series and the Genealogy Workshops, discount for tickets to the Annual Meeting and publications.
  • INDIVIDUAL ($40/year): Benefits same as the STUDENT level for one adult member.
  • FAMILY (Two adults and two minors at same address $75/year): Benefits same as the INDIVIDUAL level.
  • BENEFACTOR ($150/year): Benefits the same as the FAMILY level including a discount off the nonmember price of one ticket to the Annual Meeting.
  • HERITAGE (Personal/Business/Institutional $250/year): Benefits are four interchangeable INDIVIDUAL memberships plus a discount off the nonmember price of two tickets to the Annual Meeting.
  • SUSTAINER (Personal/Business/Institutional) $500/year): Benefits are six interchangeable INDIVIDUAL memberships plus a discount off the nonmember price of four tickets to the Annual Meeting.
  • LEADER (Personal/Business/Institutional $1000/year): Benefits are ten interchangeable INDIVIDUAL memberships plus a discount off the nonmember price of four tickets to the Annual Meeting.
  • LIFETIME ($1200 one time, must be over 18 years of age): Benefits same as the INDIVIDUAL Level for life plus a discount off the nonmember price of one ticket to the Annual Meeting and recognition on The Historical Society of Harford County website.

A Heartfelt Thank You to our Lifetime Members

  • Bel Air Alliance
  • Preston’s Stationary, Inc. 
  • Mike Atkin
  • John Brown
  • William Carr
  • Charlotte Cronin
  • Bertha DeBaugh
  • Eugene Heiss
  • Anne Hopkins
  • Dorothy M. Hurt
  • Gail Isennock
  • Barbara Kirchner
  • Albert Laisy
  • John and Marlene LeBrun
  • Jon Livezey
  • John and Theresa Magness
  • McComas Funeral Home
  • Elizabeth Miller
  • Frederick and Virginia Mitchell
  • Bruce Pitts
  • June Poole
  • Anne Robbins
  • James Bevard Rutledge, III
  • C. John Sullivan
  • John Sullivan
  • Douglas Szoka
  • Karen Toussaint
  • Mary Vollmer
  • Russell Watson